We deliver customized e-commerce systems for leading companies
Engineered exactly to requirements - to all standards, at no limits
More reliable, more sustainable, more efficient

Developed by an outstanding team 

We have been building e-commerce systems based on hybris (now SAP Commerce Cloud) for two decades. In 2003, the hybris Development Center (raised 2000 in Dresden) became exedio, a leading project and development partner of hybris .

What you want is what you get. To enable flexible, fast, secure development of highly individual e-business systems, we ongoingly forge our experience into our flexible lightwight framework and accompaning tools. First large scale projects built on exedio COPE are running since 2008. 

exedio OUTLINER, the out-of-the-box full-featured all-in-one extremely configurable exedio BackOffice, is now available for use with systems based on SAP Commerce Cloud.

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2 decades of knowhow in e-commerce engineering have been built into products, with love for details & perfection. For reliable efficient projects, and secure high performance systems staying fresh for years.


Our core business: Individual engineering of first class e-commerce applications beyond whatever limits. No rose-colored glasses, no bad surprises - what you want is what you get. Again and again, fast and for years. 


Do you prefer the full service? We optionally operate systems based on our solutions and individual engineering in our cloud. This gives you the opportunity to outsource all technical hassles to one hand.


A superior team is far more relevant to success than anything else

  1. EXPERTISE AND EXPERIENCE - In the past 20 years, we have not done anything else but developing cutting edge e-commerce software and solutions for our customers. We have developed successful platforms like major parts of the hybris platform until 2003, our own platform COPE and other solutions, and we have delivered individual solutions to thousands of requirements based on these platforms and solutions within our customer projects. This gives our team a probably unequalled level of know how.
  2. LOW FLUCTUATION, SLOW GROWTH - Other than most of our competitors, we have decided to follow a philosophy of building a deep understanding, focusing on quality rather than investing into a quick growth of our team. The result of this philosophy is a truly exceptionally stable and happy team with a very low fluctuation. We are convinced that this is a key to achieving an outstanding level of reliability in every respect.
  3. COOPERATION, MOTIVATION AND PASSION - Not only are our experts great individualists, each of them leading in their fields of knowledge. There is a strong spirit of cooperating by sharing ideas and learning from each other within the exedio team. When we work with our customers, we bring this spirit into the joint teams we build together. Everybody feels the strength and superior efficiency in this and this creates a unique momentum of motivation and passion for joint success.


Our core business:

Engineering indivdual commerce systems

Quality, Speed, Reliability and Sustainability are key to our customers success.


Fast Time to Market

The world of e-commerce is moving fast. With truly agile projects, stable teams and experienced excellence we deliver shortest times from idea to production. No matter if it is just a small change or a launch of a whole new system.


Software Quality

Systems we built for our customers handle billions of turnover and handle sensible data. Performance, stability, flawless functionality, security and other aspects of quality are of paramount importance and guide to all our services.


Reliable Estimates

As a basis for making the correct business decisions, we are ready to make quite precise estimates on how long a certain piece of development will take. Our customers know they can rely on our predictions.


Running Long Term 

It is one thing to be successful short term. It is a different challenge to keep quality, reliability and speed over a long period of time. Our systems have proven to stay fresh for years, allowing us to keep speed and quality.

Depending on our customers' requirements and preferences, the base of each project is selected from two options

hybris / SAP Commerce Cloud: All in, Ready to Customize

exedio has a long history with hybris / SAP Commerce Cloud. Before founding exedio in 2003, the exedio team has been part of hybris and has developed major parts the hybris platform. Since then, exedio has supported many hybris partners and customers in successfully building their e-commerce systems based on this platform.

exedio COPE - What you want is what you get

exedio COPE is a specialized platform for individual e-commerce systems developed by exedio. It focuses on making development as fast and efficient as possible rather than providing almost everything out-of-the-box. Solutions based on exedio COPE are smart and lean and have a very good total cost of ownership. 


exedio COPE

Built to build cutting edge e-commerce systems: Our technical core platform 

Focused on clarity, efficiency, security, performance and flexibility

Based on two decades of e-commerce development

Provides very high development and project speeds, built-in security, terrific performance, low resource consumption - resulting in extra low total cost of ownership

Scalable by all means - allows to start small and get big

Delivers unlimited flexibility, avoids major so-called "usual" hassles, risks and limits, comes with monitoring, controls and system analytics - made by developers for developers

What you want is what you get. 


THE out-of-the-box full-featured all-in-one extremely configurable BackOffice

Unlimited integration of tailored workflow and data-focused control

Unequalled usability enabling more efficient, faultless and happy user teams

Seamless integration into frontends: Inline BackOffice and CMS-style editing

Provides advanced features in many areas including searching, editing, wizards...

... and will not let you miss any standard features

exedio OUTLINER generically adopts to customized data models, giving developers a very easy entry point 

Ready for use with hybris / SAP Commerce Cloud and EXEDIO COPE

Get the work done with a smile.


We built systems for clients from various different industries, including






In 2003, the hybris Development Center (raised 2000 in Dresden) became exedio, the leading project and development partner of hybris (now SAP Commerce Cloud).

Fully owned by management and employees, exedio further strengthened the symbiosis of project work and product development, leading to exceptional expertise and experience in e-commerce engineering.  

The experience of dozens of individual projects and corresponding requirements of users and developers has been forged into products enabling developers to deliver what our customers want. Vice versa, the excellence derived from cutting edge product development is the technical basis of our unleveled quality of service. Excellence and professional management let customers get what they want.

Ongoing professional success and relaxed happiness are the result for both our team and our customer relations.  With every project we proof that software projects can be run effectiv, efficient, fast, reliable, and sustainable. As well as our products proof that there is a joint basis for fast development and excellent results in e-commerce.

Looking for a place to work, grow and make a difference?

Join Us

We are constantly looking for ambitious computer scientists and other people thrilled by e-commerce or software- may it be software engineers, UI-design experts, quality managers, e-commerce seniors or a completely new role we create for you.

You are curious, self-dependent, thinking fast, solution oriented or disruptive?

You love to be part of a team of great individualists dedicated to quality and beauty, make people happy, learn every day, you want to be inspiring and inspired?

Then, please do not hesitate and contact us!

exedio Gesellschaft für Softwareentwicklung mbH
Buchenstraße 16b
01097 Dresden 


+49 351 4108 0

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